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Friday, June 29, 2012

Busy Busy!

Good Friday Morning to all.
Has been a couple busy weeks here.  Starting with a tree (or half of a tree) coming down in our back yard.  Normally this would not be such a big deal but it happen to be the tree that our Little Missy's swing was in.  No fear, it was the OTHER half of the tree that came down, but needless to say her tree swinging days are over.  Since there are no other suitable trees to hang her swing from (mostly because one at a time they have all come down from storms etc.) we had to figure something else out.  I started searching for a swing set and found that Walmart had a small metal one for 60.00.  It was small, but it fit in our budget and so we ordered it.  It took just about a week for them to get it shipped to the store.  Now I understand you get what you pay for, we did purposely pick the cheapest one because that was our budget allowed for.   Little Missy and I were very excited waiting for it to come in and finally last Friday it did.  Hubby didn't have time until Sunday to put it up and thankfully he started on it at 5 in the morning or she wouldn't have had a chance to use it until Monday.  For heavens sakes, the instructions were certainly lacking.  So many tips they could have given to make it an easier job.  But more than the instructions it was the way things fit together that were perplexing.  Again hubby and I found ourselves in a discussion about the quality of the toys now vs. say 21 years ago when our middle daughter was little.  This has been discussed several times since Little Missy was born 3 years ago.  It just seems that quality doesn't extend to the lower price items.  As if we who cannot afford the very best don't deserve to have things that fit properly.  I am sure that's an exaggeration but sometimes its how it feels to have these items that don't fit together the way they should. I say charge me a couple more dollars and make the instructions sensible and the parts fit better~

Ok thats my "rant" for today...sorry just needed to get it out!

So during all of this Father's Day has come and gone and I never did upload pictures of our gift to Daddy.  It started with an idea from Pinterest.  Here is the link.
I thought that was the cutest idea!  I took it a step further and we used the cardboard case from Daddys favorite kind of beer for our cut out.  

It was late in the day and the only way that I could get the picture was to get up on a ladder!  Thats my arm there over the top.  Well, let me tell you when we (Big Sissy the middle daughter) and I saw this picture we laughed ourselves silly.  It looks like I am trying to show off my bicep or something.  Still makes me laugh to see it now.   So we decided it was the perfect picture for Daddy (since after 20+ years of marriage he already knows Momma is a goof ball!)! 

We found our frame and decided on blue jean as our mat background. 

We took this yet another step further and used our cardboard cutouts to make a couple other pictures for daddy's garage area.  I had some saved some paintings Little Missy had done that had pretty colors in them.  The paintings were done with that Crayola Color Wonder paint.  When it dries it has a semi glossy look to it and colors that are surprisingly vibrant.  Here is a link to that product, I have to say its one thing we have purchased that she really enjoys and it works just the way they say it does!

I took the paintings she had done and backed the cutout part in the cardboard so her pretty colors were showing thru then made a cardboard frame for it and covered it with more blue jean.  Now he has 3 pictures instead of just one~!  I have to say he really seemed to enjoy it and that made us very happy!

Here are the other two pictures the way they turned out. 
Yes, I know there is a glare.  But the good thing is you can really see the texture of the paint when it dries.  It's pretty cool.  Not the most glamorous gift in the world...but our guy liked it.  So many fathers day ideas that were out there had a mans tie as a part of the them.  Our guy is not a tie guy.  He is a car guy and so we wanted our gift to fit him and I think we succeeded.  Usually his gifts are Car related, so it was fun to have something different for him...and he can put it up in the garage...thats close to the car. lol

Lets up the tree mess, putting up a swing set and fathers day plus the incredible heat that we are all experiencing has kept me from my blogging duties.  I did manage to find some time to check out pinterest along the way as well as some much needed reading on blogging.  Feel free to look me up on Pinterest, such a fun place to get inspired and I have found some really fun pins lately, my recycling board and craft boards seem to be popular as well as the crochet and knitting ones.  I would love to hear from ANY of you about your boards...always looking for new pinners to follow!

I will be making a couple other posts today, but for now I leave you with a quote to ponder (lol I felt it was fitting given the fathers day gift)

"Listen up, you couch potatoes: each recycled beer can saves enough electricity to run a television for three hours."
Denis Hayes 


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