After a long and busy week I wanted to take a minute and share with you some of my crochet and knitting. I was inspired to relearn knitting after seeing a tutorial on Pinterest. Lets start with the credit here, a lovely site FULL of fun practical ideas that dont break the bank! To add to that, I found (again thru Pinterst) a mini series tutorial to learn knitting. Now let me explain, about 6 years or so ago, I actually taught myself how to knit from a book that I had. I was really starting to enjoy it when I found out I was pregnant and it seem the whole world changed from that point lol. Now here we are 3 years later and I am getting back into the swing of crafts etc. So when I saw this pin for a knitting tut, I thought it was a good time to dig out the knitting needles and give it a try. I have to say, I am "hooked" again! A piece that I was working on years ago is now back in progress and I am just tickled. :) So today I thought I would show off some of the items that I have made and am currently working on. :)
Before I get too far tho here is the link to the site I found this nifty Tutorial! but dont stop there check out the whole site, definitely worth your time to peruse!
This is my set of four washcloths that I made after following the wonderful tutorial!
It really was the perfect way to refresh my memory and would be an excellent Tutorial for anyone that wants to start knitting.
Here you see the washcloths again (color here is more accurate) and the other two pieces that I did years ago. Those two are actually not knitted yarn but cording and quite durable. The solid color one I am currently finishing and can hardly wait to see it done. Should be a very cool bag as well as the other one. I really enjoy working with different materials. You can see the size of the spools that the cord comes on and when that spool runs out I need to find something to use it for lol.
Here are some of the pieces that I have crocheted over the years.
This first one is HUGE. It is actually folded in quarters...and covers a queen size mattress.
It took me 10 years from start to finish (with time off in between lol).
I have to say its a favorite and so soft from all the washing.
Two more. The one on the left makes me hungry every time I look at it. All I can think is vanilla ice cream, caramel and chocolate! Uggg now I need ice cream! The one on the right is crocheted with the cording that you saw above.
The one here on the chair I didnt make, but my Mom did when she was 8 or 9. She was sick and home for several weeks from school. Gramma kept her busy and quiet with yarn. :) I just love having this one in my craft room, it gives a sense of comfort...bringing the generations together.
Well those are all my goodies for tonight and I had better head to bed before my cheek is resting on the keyboard!
Thanks to anyone who stops to look, I hope you saw something that inspired you to recycle, reuse or upcycle!
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