So in my Pinterest travels one of the items that I came across was the home version of Mod Podge. I was stunned to see that it was the same thing that I had been doing here at home for years...I guess I just never put it together before. Talk about a light bulb moment. Again I was ahead of my time and didnt even know it! ha!
But I will take it one step further for you. I don't know about you...but I get this thrill when I am able to save something from being tossed into the garbage and save money at the same time!! So, don't throw away those bottles of glue that are drying out and kind of gummy inside they can be "recycled". I happened to have quite a few bottles of glue like that. I found them while organizing in the project craft room and decided that I would share my "Mom Podge" project with you.
From garbage to gold...
These were the supplies that I used.
*Gummy Old White Glue and Tacky Glue
*Bottle to store Mom Podge in
*A wooden skewer (used for breaking up and stirring glue when still in bottle)
*double boiler
This is the container that I chose to use for my Mom Podge.
I had a couple bottles of white glue and a smidge of Mod Podge that hadn't gone gluey yet.
I used a couple large rubber bands from top to bottom to hold the bottles upside down so
they could drain while I worked with the other stuff.
These are some of my gummy gluey ones. As you can see they were solid enough that the wooden stick I had to stir with stood up straight lol. I put a bit of water in each bottle and put 6 in at a time to warm. I did NOT move away from the microwave while warming them. Well... I didn't after the first time. NOTE: DO NOT OVER HEAT. Result: Icky burning smell...and bubbling white (now yellowish) glue on the roof of the microwave. *sigh* So...a few seconds at a time warm them, stir them, add more water if needed and repeat the process until you have the consistency of glue. If your glue is as far gone as mine and you have as much as I did...keep reading.
As you can see after heating a bit, I did still have some lumps. With the quantity that I was working with I after getting mine to the "lumpy" stage, I dumped it all into a double boiler to finish off.
Low fire a lot of stirring adding water if needed. That's the hard part. I can hear some of you out there saying..."How much water?" I cannot tell you that. You will have to eyeball it. Better to start with too little than too much. Any water added will help the softening process when heating it. Sorry that I cannot be more specific, but it really depends on how gummy yours is. When I felt that I had gotten as much of the lumpiness out of it that I could I set up my strainer and receiving container...
I set up this shot above and thought "Huh...that's not gonna work!" I would suggest that if your strainer is this big and your container that small you find the appropriate size receptacle to catch your Mom Podge.
As you can see after letting the liquid run thru I still had some firmer pieces, I used my thumb to work those through the strainer and into the liquid.
It was beautiful! White and creamy. I poured it all into my the container that I had chosen to store it in, closed it up and left it on the counter. Several times throughout the day I gave it a good shake. By the end of the day it was back to the consistency of white glue. From there I added water to bring it to the consistency I wanted.
Here is my final product. :)
Ok some credits here. First as you know I found it on Pinterest. That took me to
and that took me to
Thats where the light bulb above my head went off and I said "huh, cool"
Here are two of the items that I have used the Mom Podge on.
The heart is from this past Christmas and the Chest on the right was done at least 12 years ago.
So if you wonder if this works and holds...Yes...Yes it does.
So...give it a some glue from the garbage today!
Have fun!
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